Useful Resources

AMJ Publishing 
  1. Colquitt, J. A., & George, G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ – Part 1: Topic Choice.
  2. Bono, J. E., & McNamara, G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ ­– Part 2: Research Design.
  3. Grant, A. M., & Pollock, T. G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ—Part 3: Setting the Hook.
  4. Sparrowe, R. T., & Mayer, K. J. (2011). Publishing in AMJ—Part 4: Grounding Hypotheses.
  5. Zhang, Y., & Shaw, J. D. (2012). Publishing in AMJ—Part 5: Crafting the Methods and Results.
  6. Geletkanycz, M., & Tepper, B. J. (2012). Publishing in AMJ–Part 6: Discussing the Implications.
  7. Bansal, P., & Corley, K. (2012). Publishing in AMJ—Part 7: What’s Different about Qualitative Research?.
  8. George, G. (2012). Publishing in AMJ for Non-US Authors.
  9. Mayer, K. J., & Sparrowe, R. T. (2013). Integrating Theories in AMJ Articles.
  10. Colquitt, J. A. (2013). Crafting References in AMJ Submissions.
  11. Shaw, J. D., Tangirala, S., Vissa, B., & Rodell, J. B. (2018). New Ways of Seeing: Theory Integration Across Disciplines.
  12. Nadkarni, S., Gruber, M., DeCelles, K., Connelly, B., & Baer, M. (2018). New Ways of Seeing: Radical Theorizing.
  13. Shaw, J. D. (2017). Advantages of Starting with Theory.
  14. Tihanyi, L. (2020). From “That’s Interesting” to “That’s Important”.
  15. Hideg, I., DeCelles, K. A., & Tihanyi, L. (2020). From the Editors: Publishing practical and responsible research in AMJ. Academy of Management Journal63(6), 1681-1686.
Developing Contribution
  1. Barley, S. R. (2006). When I Write my Masterpiece: Thoughts on what Makes a Paper InterestingAcademy of Management Journal49(1), 16-20.
  2. Bergh, D. D. (2003). Thinking Strategically about Contribution. Academy of Management Journal46(2), 135-136.
  3. Colquitt, J. A., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2007). Trends in Theory Building and Theory Testing: A Five-decade Study of the Academy of Management Journal. Academy of Management Journal, 50(6), 1281-1303.
  4. J.P. Cornelissen & R. Durand (2014). Moving Forward: Developing Theoretical Contributions in Management Studies. Journal of Management Studies, 51 (6), 995-1022.
  5. Corley, K. G., & Gioia, D. A. (2011). Building Theory about Theory Building: What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution?. Academy of Management Review36(1), 12-32.
  6. Feldman, D. C. 2004a. What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Theory? Journal of Management, 30(5): 565-567
  7. Summers, J. O. (2001). Guidelines for Conducting Research and Publishing in Marketing: From Conceptualization Through the Review Process. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(4), 405-415.
  8. Sutton, R. I., & Staw, B. M. (1995). What Theory is Not.  Administrative Science Quarterly, 371-384.
  9. Crane, A., Henriques, I., Husted, B.W. and Matten, D., 2016. What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution in the Business and Society Field?. Business & Society, 55(6), pp.783-791
Generating Research Questions
  1. Alvesson, M., & Sandberg, J. (2011). Generating Research Questions Through Problematization. Academy of Management Review36(2), 247-271.
  2. Sandberg, J., & Alvesson, M. (2011). Ways of Constructing Research Questions: Gap-Spotting or Problematization?. Organization18(1), 23-44.
Theory Building
  1. Bacharach, S. B. (1989). Organizational Theories: Some Criteria for Evaluation. Academy of Management Review14(4), 496-515.
  2. Carlile, P. R., & Christensen, C. M. (2005). The Cycles of Theory Building in Management Research. Division of Research, Harvard Business School.
  3. DiMaggio, P. J. (1995). Comments on “What theory is not”Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(3), 391-397.
  4. Dooley, L. M. (2002). Case Study Research and Theory BuildingAdvances in Developing Human Resources4(3), 335-354.
  5. Doty, D. H., & Glick, W. H. (1994). Typologies as a Unique Form of Theory Building: Toward Improved Understanding and ModelingAcademy of Management Review19(2), 230-251.
  6. Fry, L. W., & Smith, D. A. (1987). Congruence, Contingency, and Theory BuildingAcademy of Management Review12(1), 117-132.
  7. Gioia, D. A., & Pitre, E. (1990). Multiparadigm Perspectives on Theory BuildingAcademy of Management Review15(4), 584-602.
  8. Klein, K. J., Tosi, H., & Cannella Jr, A. A. (1999). Multilevel Theory Building: Benefits, Barriers, and New DevelopmentsAcademy of Management Review24(2), 248-253.
  9. Klein, K. J., Dansereau, F., & Hall, R. J. (1994). Levels Issues in Theory Development, Data Collection, and Analysis. Academy of Management Review19(2), 195-229.
  10. Locke, E. A. (2007). The Case for Inductive Theory BuildingJournal of Management33(6), 867-890.
  11. Morgan, G. (1980). Paradigms, Metaphors, and Puzzle Solving in Organization Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 605-622.
  12. Okhuysen, G., & Bonardi, J. P. (2011). The Challenges of Theory Building Through the Combination of Lenses. Academy of Management Review36(1), 6-11.
  13. Oswick, C., Fleming, P., & Hanlon, G. (2011). From Borrowing to Blending: Rethinking the Processes of Organizational Theory BuildingAcademy of Management Review36(2), 318-337.
  14. Shepherd, D. A., & Suddaby, R. (2017). Theory Building: A Review and IntegrationJournal of Management43(1), 59-86.
  15. Simon, H. 1980. Random Thoughts about Methods of Research. Pittsburgh, Unpublished Manuscript, Carnegie Mellon University: 1-10.
  16. Wacker, J. G. (1998). A Definition of Theory: Research Guidelines for Different Theory-Building Research Methods in Operations ManagementJournal of Operations Management16(4), 361-385.
  17. Weber, R. (2003). Editor’s Comments: The Problem of the ProblemMIS Quarterly27(1), III.
  18. Weick, K. E. (1995). What Theory is Not, Theorizing is. Administrative Science Quarterly40(3), 385-390.
  19. Whetten, D. A., Felin, T., & King, B. G. (2009). The Practice of Theory Borrowing in Organizational Studies: Current Issues and Future Directions.  Journal of Management35(3), 537-563.
Why Papers get Rejected?
  1. Kilduff, M. (2007). Editor’s Comments: The Top Ten Reasons Why Your Paper Might not be Sent Out for Review. Academy of Management Review, 700-702.
  2. Summers, J. O. (2001). Guidelines for Conducting Research and Publishing in Marketing: From Conceptualization Through the Review Process. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(4), 405-415.
  3. Crane, A., Henriques, I., Husted, B.W. And Matten, D., 2017. Twelve Tips for Getting Published in Business & Society, Business & Society, 56(1), 3-10.
Academic Writing Resources
  1. White, L. (2005). Writes of Passage: Writing an Empirical Journal Article. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67(4), 791-798.
  2. Hahn Fox, B., & Jennings, W. G. (2014). How to Write a Methodology and Results Section for Empirical Research. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 25(2), 137-156.
  3. Rogelberg, S. G., Adelman, M., & Askay, D. (2009). Crafting a Successful Manuscript: Lessons from 131 Reviews. Journal of Business and Psychology, 24(2), 117-121.
  4. Ortinau, D. J. (2010). Primer for New Authors: On the Fundamentals of Publishing in Marketing Journals. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(1), 91-100.
  5. Summers, J. O. (2001). Guidelines for Conducting Research and Publishing In Marketing: From Conceptualization Through the Review Process. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(4), 405-415.
  6. Pollock, T. G., & Bono, J. E. (2013). Being Scheherazade: The Importance of Storytelling in Academic Writing. Academy of Management Journal56(3), 629-634.
  7. Shaw, J. D. (2012). Responding To Reviewers. Academy of Management Journal, 55(6), 1261-1263
  8. The University of Manchester Writing Resources
  9. Writing in the Sciences – Coursera Course